genetically modify

They genetically modify it by removing certain nasal cells .
Lei said genes from the species identified could be used to genetically modify other plants .
And work is also underway to genetically modify crops and plants for higher energy yields .
In1982 , Monsanto scientists became the first to genetically modify a plant cell .
Since the researchers could not genetically modify humans , they needed a chemical to do it for them .
The research will help scientists genetically modify food crops and understand how humans are genetically different from other species .
It is also possible to genetically modify the cells to produce neurotrophins-substances that help brain tissue survive , researchers said .
The project aims to genetically modify rice to use a more efficient method of photosynthesis & the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates needed for growth .
They also say that the procedure is different from the one used to genetically modify foods , in which individual genes are usually selected to be transferred from one organism into another .
The NT 3 gene recombinant adenovirus ( AdvNT 3 ) were amplified , purified , and determined . Then , it was used to genetically modify SCs .
Britain is currently leading the world in fertility research , and last year a group at the Francis Crick Institute was granted permission to genetically modify human embryos , the first time in the world such a procedure had been approved by regulators .